Had a great rehearsal the other night, and we’re itching to tear The Mint apart next Wednesday!! We had the perfect amount of mistakes to keep us on our toes, since Jay and I feel that a bad rehearsal contributes to a great show. Here’s the set we worked out, which is packed with a diverse mix of riffs and feel:
The Absorbing Mirror
Body Clock
The Disappearing One
Galaxy Rodeo
If you’re new to our music, you can check out the song samples via the Music Page.
The Mint is offering a $5 Racer 5 and Atticus IPA beers for our crowd. You can also get a free 16oz PBR or Cocktail by downloading their App via the homepage on their site, The Mint LA. To reserve a table for your group, click here.
Looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday, Oct.14th at The Mint!! We hit at 9;30pm, so don’t be late!!