JIBILIAN/SETAR will hit the stage at 10pm, sharp, at Universal Bar & Grill, in North Hollywood!! We’ll be playing our new tune, “Cure,” for the first time in public. We wrote this tune years ago, as part of the “SICK Trilogy… A Tale of Tainted Raw Kibbie,” but put it on the shelf since then. We’ve played the first and second songs of the Trilogy, “SICK!” and “Prognosis,” for many years, and had to find an old rehearsal recording of “Cure,” and re-learn all the parts. Come on out and experience the debut of this wild ride of a tune. Cover is only $7 cash (ATM on site) which supports the bands, plenty of free parking, full bar, decent bar grub, 21+.
J/S at UBG North Hollywood, Oct.11th, 2019, 10pm!!
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