JIBILIAN/SETAR, Direct Support For Brand X, Nov.16… Discounted FEE FREE Tix Available For Our Fans!!Greeting, and hope you are enjoying our SoCal extended summer, if you enjoy 100 degree temps in October. Ha! As a Detroit native, I’m happy as long as it’s not snowing. 🙂 I’m excited to announce that JIBILIAN/SETAR will be opening for the legendary Fusion band, Brand X!! The show will be at The Canyon Santa Clarita, the newest venue of the Sterling Venue Ventures, on Thursday, November 16th. Doors open at 6pm, and J/S hit at 8pm, followed by Brand X hitting at 9pm. Discounted, Fee-free tickets (savings of $22 per ticket) are available to our fans via Paypal ( $24 (General Admission, no food purchase required) / $28 / $38 With NO Additional Ticket Fees!! If you purchase a ticket at a table you are required to purchase dinner. Minimum spend is $25.00 per person. You must arrive by 7pm. Current available seating chart, HERE. Under 18 Must Be Accompanied by a Paying Adult Your tickets will be available at the venue’s Will Call window on the day of the show. We hope you can join us for this amazing night of music!! |