One of my favorite bands I was in, back in the early to mid ’90’s, was Present Absence. My bro, Chris, answered an ad in the paper, about a guitarist and drummer looking for a bass player and 2nd guitarist. Their technical Thrash originals were very challenging to play, and I credit this band for building up my early bass chops. The band had some player changes, and I ended up taking on the vocal duties (monotone growls, mainly), while playing wild bass lines. We recorded “Behind The Mind,” on 2″ tape, at The Disk in Roseville, MI, which was part of a compilation cd called, “The Unclassified Ads.” I’m hoping to dig up and restore some of our live show board tapes, which I have on the hard drive on my old computer. I’ll post them on my News page as soon as I get them uploaded. 

“Behind The Mind” by Present Absence, music written by Gary Jibilian, Brian Boschma, Scott Donaldson, lyrics by Scott Donaldson, 1992. Engineered and Mixed by Todd Boschma. 

Guitar: Brian Boschma, Drums: Scott Donaldson, Fretless Bass/Vocals: Gary Jibilian

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